Partner-Website NetherlandsRadboud University, based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, aims to foster strong links between education and research, creating a community of academic learning in which students can become independent thinkers. One of its distinguishing features is its emphasis on interdisciplinarity. The Faculty of Science is a comprehensive international and student-oriented science faculty with a strong research base. The Department of Environmental Science aims to understand and predict both the relative and cumulative impact of anthropogenic stressors on species, including humans and climate change. We translate detailed mechanisms into overarching principles, applied in models for future projections, in particular in energy systems, land use, highly populated river deltas and estuaries, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The methods developed and the results obtained are used by governments, agencies, industry and consultancies.
Contact persons:
Dr Jean-Francois Mercure: j.mercure@science.ru.nl
Florian Knobloch: f.knobloch@science.ru.nl