Partner-Website BelgiumWater Europe (WE) is the recognized voice and promotor of water-related RTD and innovation in Europe. WE strives to increase coordination and collaboration, to enhance the performance of the water service providers, water users, and technology providers, in a sustainable and inclusive way, and to contribute to solving water-related societal challenges. With over 200 members across Europe on board, WE is recognised by the European Commission as the industry-led European Technology Platform(ETP) for Water. WE envisions a smart-water society, in which the true value of water is recognised and realised and all available water sources are managed in such a way that water scarcity and pollution of groundwater are avoided. Amongst WE objectives are:
• Foster collaborative initiatives within and cross industry sectors that create value for members.
• Diversification of membership base through growth.
• Creation of an enabling environment for water related RTD (projects).
• Creation of an enabling business environment for innovation.
• Pro-actively address the vision of water sector importance and water.